Leslie Smiling

Leslie gets in the holiday spirit at the Pawnee Winter Wonderland Festival amidst the political sex scandal.

Leslie and Santa

Leslie pulls the beard off Santa revealing what looks like Andy at the Pawnee Winter Wonderland Festival.

Parks Staff Singing

The Parks and Recreation staff get into the holiday spirit when they sing at the Pawnee Winter Wonderland Festival.

Ron, Leslie, Ann and April Interviewed

While at the Pawnee Winter Wonderland Festival, Ron, Leslie, Ann and April all get stuck being interviewed by the press about a sex scandal.

Leslie and April Dodge

Leslie and April nervously try to dodge questions from the press when Leslie gets stuck in the middle of a sex scandal.

The Glitter Factory Breakfast

If there's one thing Ron Swanson's going to love at the strip club, The Glitter Factory, you knew it was going to be the breakfast buffet.

Ron Loves His Shoeshine

Ron loves the shoeshine that Andy gives him just a little too much... so much that he gives out a little moan.

Ron and His Breakfast Woman

Ron is a simple man. He likes pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food and the stock photos of them.

Raggedy Ann's Halloween

Ann dressed as Raggedy Ann and threw a kind of lame Halloween party with her kind of lame boyfriend Mark on Parks and Recreation.

Leslie and Ann Volunteer

Leslie and Ann volunteer for Kaboom where they end up building a park in one day. This inspires Leslie.

Venezula Parks and Recreation

Raul (Fred Armisen) and his goons fly in from Pawnee's sister city in Boraqua, Venezeula and are generally insulting pricks.

Ron as Duke Silver

In a unbelievably hilarious find, Tom discovers that Ron has been moonlighting as Duke Silver, a Jazz saxophonist.

Parks and Recreation Season 2 Quotes

People in this town don't really like their government officials being activists. Last year a garbageman was suspended for wearing a Livestrong bracelet.


Chimpanzees are very smart, so we had them graduate from college. They like to throw their feces, so we were hoping they would throw their hats. But they just threw their feces.
