Grandma Sunja - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 3

Grandma Sunja reflecting on her past and her love for her sister-in-law.

Sunja and Koh Hansu Get Intimate - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 3

Sunja and Koh Hansu almost sharing a kiss near the cove where they meet in secret.

Solomon at The Wedding - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2

Solomon at The Wedding, networking and reuniting with old friends.

Sunja Washing Koh Hansu's Shirt. - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2

Sunja washing Koh Hansu's shirt at the cove where they meet in secret.

Koh Hansu - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2

Koh Hansu looking out onto the Marina that he is the broker for.

Naomi, Solomon's Coworker - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2

Naomi, Solomon's coworker at the Japanese branch who doesn't like him too much.

Tom, Solomon's Coworker - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 2

Tom, Solomon's Coworker and head of the Japanese branch of his bank.

Solomon Playing Pachinko Season 1 Episode 1

Solomon playing a round of Pachinko at his father's Pachinko Parlor.

Young Sunja At The Marina- Pachinko Season 1 Episode 1

Young Sunja staring at the docks looking for her father.

Koh Hansu On the Marina - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 1

Koh Hansu, the new fish broker, on the bridge near the Marina, observing.

Solomon - Pachinko Season 1 Episode 1

Solomon, walking in his office building to an important meeting.

Sunja and Koh Hansu - Pachinko

Sunja and Koh Hansu sharing an intimate moment by the cove.

Pachinko Quotes

Young Sunja: He doesn't look very happy.
Fisherman: That's because even the most wretched creatures yearn to live.
Young Sunja: Not the lady who sells chestnuts.

Father: He has been promoted to vice-president by his American bank!
Hiroto-San: Not bad for the son of a Pachinko man. Is it true you went to Yale?
Solomon: If my father says so, then it must be.