Bedridden Bloom - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 12

Bloom is bedridden after she is exposed to the chemicals after the chemical spill and collapes taking care of a patient.

Figuring Out a Solution -tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 12

Helen and Floyd are two of the only doctors who haven't had exposure to the chemical spill, and they figure out a solution.

Chemical Spill - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 12

Max is caught up trying to stop a massive chemical spill and succumbs to symptoms from exposure to it.

Sharpwin Heart to Heart - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 12

Max and Helen share an intimate moment where Max acknowledges his feelings and how much she matters to him after a scare.

Stressed-Out - New Amsterdam

Iggy counsels two stressed-out parents about their child on New Amsterdam. "Things Fall Apart" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

Iggy's Stalker? - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Iggy should be paying close attention to what's going on with Chance who doesn't seem to leave Iggy alone.

Bloom Returns - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Bloom returns from a vacation where she spent the entire week getting to know Leyla better and falling in love.

Helen Chose Violence - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Helen woke up that morning and chose violence and it's a direct response to Max's neverending chaos.

Some Forgiveness - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

After realizing that collegue left his baby in a hot car and knowing that it was a genuine mistake ,Floyd requests forgiveness.

A Little Faith- tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Helen spends some time in the Islamic cultural center after she talks about faith with one of her patients.

Helen Follow Mina - tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Helen is seeking some professional help for Mina, but she may be in need of some for herself.

Too Happy?: -tall - New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 11

Is a week off with Leyla on vacation a sign that Lauren is too happy and not on her game in the ED?1

New Amsterdam Season 3 Quotes

I want everyone to know that I am committed to fixing the cracks around here, OK? The system abandoned us when we need it most, and I vow to fix the system that left us overburdened and unprotected. The system that left our most vulnerable patients behind, and hopefully, New Amsterdam can finally get back to --


You're incredibly upbeat for someone who's living on seeds.

Lauren [to Iggy]