Happy Random Day - NCIS Season 16 Episode 13

Kasie doesn't do holidays, but she does Random Day once a year giving meaningful gifts to those she cares about.

Ellie Confronts Gibbs - NCIS Season 16 Episode 13

Ellie confronts Gibbs about his rules while she learns something important from Ziva.

Break-In - NCIS

An intruder breaks into McGee's home in an attempt to steal his archaic high school computer on NCIS. "Once Upon A Tim" is the 14th episode of the show's 16th season.

Girl In a Storage Unit - NCIS

The team finds a malnourished 9-year-old girl who is believed to be the daughter of a Navy recruit who disappeared on NCIS. "She" is the 13th episode of the show's 16th season.

Road Trip - NCIS

An old family friend asks Gibbs to go on a road trip on NCIS. "The Last Link" is the 12th episode of the show's 16th season.

Shut Down - NCIS

A murder investigation gets shut down on NCIS. "Toil and Trouble" is the 11th episode of the show's 16th season.

Orphaned Baby - NCIS

A baby without any apparent family is found during an investigation on NCIS. "What Child Is This?" is the tenth episode of the show's 16th season.

An Unsolved Robbery - NCIS

The Team goes undercover to solve a robbery case on NCIS. "Tailing Angie" is the ninth episode of the show's 16th season.

A Murder Links to Overseas - NCIS

A murder in the states links to soldiers killed overseas on NCIS. "Friendly Fire" is the eighth episode of the show's 16th season.

An Unexpected Connection - NCIS

Bishop has a connection with a street artist involved with their latest case on NCIS. "A Thousand Words" is the seventh episode of the show's 17th season.

Recoginizing a Friend - NCIS

Torres recognizes a victim at a crime scene as an old friend on NCIS. "Beneath the Surface" is the sixth episode of the show's 16th season.

A Life Sentence - NCIS

A Marine serving a life sentence may turn out to be innocent on NCIS. "Fragments" is the fifth episode of the show's 16th season.

NCIS Season 16 Quotes

Gibbs: Rule 99.
Sloane: Never tells Gibbs he's being audited.
Torres: That's not a real thing.

Did you think I was organizing my receipts for fun? No, that's something dorks who build their own computers do.
