Saying Goodbye - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

Anacostia gives Raelle an opportunity for closure by saying goodbye to Scylla before she's shipped off to prison.

Final Tribute - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

Abigail tosses her prewritten text and speaks from her heart at Libba's eulogy.

Reluctant Daughter - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

Anacostia is concerned about the recent actions of her surrogate mother, General Alder.

Pleasant Moment Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

Petra congratulates Abigail after Abigail's impromptu eulogy at Libba's funeral.

Creative Force - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

The end of Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 is rapidly approaching for show creator Eliot Laurence.

Reaching Out - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

Tally convinces Abigail to tell her mother Petra about Alder's actions during the cadets' attack against the Spree.

Closer Together - Motherland: Fort Salem

The unit comes closer together after the Citydrop on Motherland: Fort Salem. "Coup" is the ninth episode of the show's first season.

All by Herself - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8

With her unit mates distracted, Abigail has to shoulder the weight for her team largely by herself.

Figuring It Out - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8

The light bulb finally goes on for Raelle, as things she knows about Raelle don't add up anymore.

The Last to Know - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8

Abigail isn't happy when she discovers that Raelle accidentally brought a Spree, in the form of Scylla, to her cousin's wedding.

Teammates at Odds - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8

Tally and Raelle are at odds at the worst possible time, as the unit is going through Citydrop, its final training exercise.

In the Dark - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8

Lt. Helen Graves doesn't remember Raelle, despite Raelle having served guard duty with someone who looked like Helen.

Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Quotes

Listen to me. This is when you go to college. Find a girl, get married, everything nice and good. This is when I go to grind our great nation's enemies into dust.

Abigail [to Paul]

Neighbor lady: I know you're off to Salem tomorrow.
Raelle: Yes, ma'am. A permanent government vacation until I'm old and gray. If I make it that long.