Who's This? - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Lem confronts a beautiful woman, but it's unclear what connection they might share.

On the Same Side - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Manfred tries to protect Patience, but it looks like the evil is starting to overtake him again.

Old Blue Eyes - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Lem's blue eyes are the most beautiful thing in Midnight. Who wouldn't be mesmerized by those baby blues?

Frayed Psychic Connection - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Lem and Olivia will get through any difficulties they may be facing!

I'll Help You, Don't Worry - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Manfred is trying to ease Patience's fears. Where is Kai?

Friend or Foe - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

How does this woman fit into all the strangeness happening in Midnight? We'll find out soon enough!

Happy Days are Gone - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Bobo and Fiji are facing tough times as new dangers arrive at Midnight. Will their love survive?

Finding Help - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Manfred and Patience seek outside help on whatever mystery they're investigating. What could be plaguing them?

Figuring Things Out - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Manfred and Patience work together to find answers. Is she going to turn on her true love and meal ticket?

A Shocking Discovery - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Somehow Manfred and Patience end up together. Has she figured out that Kai is up to no good?

Deep Thoughts - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Kai seems to be reconsidering his reasons for coming to Midnight. Has he stirred up something bigger than what he's prepared to battle?

Believe Me - Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2

Kai is trying to stave off someone or some...thing. Has his desire to avenge Colconnar backfired on him?

Midnight, Texas Season 2 Quotes

I didn't think I was the marrying type, but isn't this what every woman wants? For a man to know her needs and desires before she even knows?


I really care about this town, and everybody in it, but I don't want to be serving patty melts forever.
