Dan Approaches Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Dan walks up to Lucifer, questioning why he isn't up to something like normal.

Dan Knows Something's Up - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Dan looks on at "Lucifer," knowing there is something up with him.

Maze and Michael - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Maze and Michael make it seem like Lucifer hooks up with her, to mess with Chloe.

Michael with a Drink - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Michael drinks in the penthouse as he explains to Maze what he's doing there.

Maze listens to Michael - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Maze sits at the penthouse, listening to Michael's plans to ruin Lucifer's LA life.

Chloe and Michael in Chase - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Chloe and Michael sit in the car as they chase after a suspect in a murder.

Maze Pissed - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Maze attacks Michael thinking he's Lucifer, who she's angry at for going to hell without her.

Michael's Wings - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Michael displays his wings for Maze to show her he's really not Lucifer.

Lopsided Michael - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Michael returns to Lucifer's penthouse via elevator, not expecting an angry guest.

Michael and Chloe Back in Penthouse - Tall - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

FauxLucifer (Michael) are back in the penthouse together after Lucifer has been gone for months.

Lucifer Back in Penthouse Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer (the real one) is back in LA and making himself a drink at his penthouse.

Lucifer's Wings Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer shows off is wings at his penthouse when he gets an unwelcome visitor.

Lucifer Season 5 Quotes

I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely.


Chloe: Maze, just because you happen to have slept with that one murder victim a few weeks ago doesn’t mean that you slept with them all.
Maze: How am I supposed to keep up?
Chloe: With the murder victims or the people you’ve slept with?
Maze: Either.
Ella: Wow. Maze is really settling into her role as your new Lucifer.