Man in Black

Lost fans haven't seen the actual man in black in a long time. But he'll appear on the episode "Ab Aeterno."

Jacob Pic

Hello, Jacob! The island king is seen here during the episode "Ab Aeterno."

Sawyer Scene

This is a scene from the 3/16/10 episode of Lost. It's titled "Recon" and focuses on Sawyer.

Sideways Sawyer

The episode "Recon" gives us a look into Sawyer's sideways world in 2004. A flower and a six-pack? How bad can it be?!?

Sawyer and Kate

Could the sparks between Sawyer and Kate ever been rekindled? This scene from "Recon" implies as much.

Bitter Sawyer

On the island, Sawyer has seen his true love killed and his life destroyed. The man is bitter.

Evil Look

Check out the look in Terry O'Quinn's eyes. This guy has done a masterful job as Fake Locke.

There, There

Can Kate get through to Claire? That's her mission on the episode "Recon."


We didn't see Jin on the 3/9/10 episode of Lost. But he returns on "Recon."

Fake Locke and Crazy Claire

Easy, crazy Claire. Tell Fake Locke about it and let him make it better.

Kate with Smokey

Good luck talking sense into this guy, Kate. He seems very much stuck in his ways.

Michael Emerson Promo Pic

Creepy! Michael Emerson poses here for a Lost promotional photo for ABC.

Lost Season 6 Quotes

Locke: My condition is irreversible.
Jack: Nothing is irreversible.

Sorry you had to see me like that.

Fake Locke [to Ben, after turning into Smokey]