Season 25 Episode 3 Spoilers - Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 3 spoilers revolve around a male victim and a female perpetrator.

Benson Hears a Confession - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 3

Benson thinks she's talking to a victim, but the woman confesses to rape on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 3.

Out for a Jog - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Benson goes out for a jog, but will she come back with a clue on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2?

Directing Her Detectives - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Benson directs her detectives to seek justice against a flash mob on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Fin Heads the Investigation - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Fin heads the investigation into the flash mob on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Seeking Justice - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Benson seeks justice for a new victim, but is she still searching for Maddie on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2?

Prosecuting the Flash Mob - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Carisi prosecutes people who were involved with a flash mob robbery and assault on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Standing Up for The Truth - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Will the survivor Benson finds stand up in court on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2?

Benson Teams Up - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Benson teams up with the FBI on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Bruno Questions a Suspect - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Bruno questions a suspect while investigating a flash mob robbery and sexual assault on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Visiting a Victim - Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2

Benson and Bruno visit a sexual assault survivor in the hospital after she is rescued from a flash mob on Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 2.

Unable to Get Justice - Law & Order: SVU

One of SVU's earliest survivors is unable to get justice because her case drags on so long on Law & Order: SVU Season 1 Episode 10.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
