The Garden - La Brea Season 1 Episode 8

Ty, Eve, and Levi see the garden at the fort.

Paara Helps - La Brea Season 1 Episode 8

Paara agrees to help the survivors learn skills.

Captured Again - La Brea

Ty, Eve, and Levi bring Isiah home only to be captured again.

Learning about the Fort People - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Ty learns about the village people while he and Paara wait out the storm.

Trapped Ty - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Ty is trapped. Is it by the snow or by Veronica?

What's Coming Next - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

The Survivors wonder what's coming next.

All Alone - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Eve feels Alone in the snowy blizzard.

The Hayes - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Lucas and Marybeth share a moment while others try to rescue them.

Worried Survivors - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Sam and Scott look worried about the blizzard.

Paara - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Paara defends herself when others return to the fort.

Caught in the Storm - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Sam is caught in the storm in the sinkhole.

Rescue Mission - La Brea Season 1 Episode 7

Eve and Ty work to rescue the Hayes in the storm.

La Brea Season 1 Quotes

Izzy: I should’ve held on, and now they’re gone. It’s my fault.
Gavin: It’s not your fault. I got you. I got you.

Izzy: Hang on, okay?
Eve: Izzy, you’ve got to go.
Izzy: No, I’ve got you.