Looking On - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Annalise looks on as her trial is set to begin during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Confiding In Mom - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Gabriel and Vivian meet up and confide in one another during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Pleading His Case - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Gabriel continues to plead his case to anyone who will listen during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Vivian Is Back - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Vivian is back in Philadelphia to help her son in any way she can on How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Friendly Regrouping - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Tegan and Annalise share a sweet moment, as they sit outside the packed courtroom on How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Coutroom Break - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Annalise takes a seat outside the courthouse to catch her breath during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Connor At Home - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Connor, along with Michaela and Oliver, take in Gabriel's theory during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Michael Postures - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Michaela makes her presence known, as she and her roommates confront Gabriel over his theory on How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Courthouse Moment - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

While at Annalise's trial, Frank and Bonnie take a minute to talk on How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12.

Thinking Over Drinks - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 12

Oliver, Connor, and Michaela commiserate about their lives while drinking on How To Get Away With Murder Season 3 Episode 12.

In Court - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 11

Annalise is back in the states and in the courtroom on How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 11.

Tegan In Court - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 11

Tegan is in her element and has her moment in court during How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 11.

How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Quotes

I was hoping you smuggled your phone in your bra. It's just crazy here, as expected. Not your worry though. I just wanted to hear a friendly voice. Until then, get your ass better.

Stay dead, bitch!

Child Christopher [to Annalise]