Peter Saves Claire

In this classic scene from season one, Peter saves Claire. Later, of course, we find out they are related to one another.

How To Stop An Exploding Man Photo

A screenshot from the episode "How To Stop An Exploding Man."

Landslide Photo

A picture from the episode "Landslide."

.07% Photo

A screenshot from the episode ".07%."

Parasite Photo

A screenshot from the episode "Parasite."

Company Man Photo

A great moment from the episode "Company Man."

Unexpected Photo

A great moment from the episode "Unexpected."

Run! Photo

A photo from the episode "Run!."

Distractions Photo

A screenshot from the episode "Distractions."

The Fix Photo

An image from the episode "The Fix."

Fallout Photo

A picture from the episode "Fallout."

Six Months Ago Photo

A great moment from the episode "Six Months Ago."

Heroes Season 1 Quotes

[concerning The Haitan's power] When asked to describe his ability, he drew a picture of himself grabbing memories, like little grubworms, out of people's heads. I wanted to put it on the front of my fridge.


Haitian: Is your father becoming suspicious.
Claire: No. And it’s kind of a problem. Every word out of my mouth is a lie. I have to laugh and smile and look him in the eye – my own father. It’s breaking my heart.
Haitian: Would you prefer I took your memory?
Claire: I need to know that one thing in my life is real.

Heroes Season 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys