Now You Listen to Me!

In this photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom," Izzie is not about to take crap from Alex. She's gonna stand up for what she wants.

We Heart Izzie

We do heart Izzie in spite of her flaws. Here she is in a photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom."

Drs. Karev and Stevens

A photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom." Alex Karev and Izzie Stevens are in the heat of a discussion... will the episode end with them getting back together?

Alex, Izzie and Rebecca

A photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom." Alex Karev tends to Rebecca as Izzie Stevens looks on. What will happen between the two?

Breaking Point

A photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom." Izzie Stevens has reached yet another professional and personal crossroads.

Karev Waits

A photo from the fourth season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Freedom." Alex Karev can do nothing but sit and wait.

Alex Karev and Isobel Stevens

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Alex and Izzie have a conversation about Rebecca. Will these two get together or what?

Get Out

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Alex learns that Rebecca is not in fact pregnant and tells Izzie to beat it. Now.

Rekindling the Passion

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Mer and Der are getting oh-so-close to getting back together. Just wait for it!

Talking to the Chief

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Erica refuses to operate on Richard's mentor... until later when she successfully does. She rules.

Lexie Looks

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) peeks around the corner. In this episode she forgives Meredith.

Mark Sloan and Izzie Steves

In a still shot from "Losing My Mind," from the fourth season of Grey's Anatomy, Izzie and Mark have a serious conversation in the halls of Seattle Grace.

Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Quotes

I tell you that I love you, and not one word? For 17 days? Where have you been?


[narrating] In the practice of medicine, change is inevitable. New surgical techniques are created, procedures are updated, levels of expertise increase. Innovation is everything, nothing remains the same for long. We either adapt to change, or ... we get left behind.
