Back in Town -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 14

Kai is back in town and eager to spend some time with Amelia as she needs it the most with Maggie leaving.

Bride to Be and Man of Honor - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 14

Simone and Lucas are still trying to figure out what they're relationship is as her wedding day approaches.

Wedding Day Countdown -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 14

Simone is either counting down the days or dreading the ones before she and Trey get married.

Lucas Babysits -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 14

Lucas is babysitting Pru when she's spending the day at the hospital, and she's giving him a run for his money.

Sticky Pru -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 14

Little Pru must have accompanied Bailey to work and is making her mark on the hospital and everyone in contact with her.

A Relationship is Tested - Grey's Anatomy

Amelia's relationship with Kai is tested on Grey's Anatomy. "Mama Who Bore Me" is the 15th episode of the show's 19th season.

Last Day - Grey's Anatomy

It's Maggie's last day at the hospital on Grey's Anatomy. "Shadow of Your Love" is the 14th episode of the show's 19th season.

Jolink in bed - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 13

Link is there to offer some support to Jo when she needs it and they continue to get closer to each other.

Trying Therapy -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 13

Winston tries out couple's couseling with Maggie, but it doesn't seem to help them in any substantial way.

Winston Left Alone -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 13

Winston is left standing there when Maggie blows up on him in the parking lot in one last argument..

War of the Docs -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 13

Maggie and Winston may have reached an impasse in their marriage that may be beyond resolution or saving.

Chicago-Bound? -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 13

Maggie entertains an offer to Chicago when she and Winston continue to have issues in their relationship.

Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Quotes

Amelia: Derek was a god to him.
Mer: I know.
Amelia: And Lucas was Derek's favorite nephew, and I do love him, so I hate to keep saying this, but I don't think he has what it takes.
Mer: I know you don't.
Amelia: He's a mess. He doesn't follow instructions. He has to do everything he own way. Did you hire him because he reminds you of Derek?
Mer: Not Derek. He is a mess. He does need to do things his own way. But he does have a stroke of the family genius, and he's a bit of a black sheep. You don't see it, do you?
Amelia: Is that why he drives me crazy? He's me.
Mer: Yes, he's you. He's got the spark. He's got the drive. He just needs a chance.

Jules: I think I may have already slept with an attending already.
Mika: You work fast.