Poor Riggs! - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Nathan can't seem to catch a break. Just when things were looking up for him, it all comes crashing down.

Lean on Me - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

One thing is for sure, Meredith has stepped up her sister game and it's absolutely delightful to watch.

Heated Exchange - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Are things getting heated between Nathan and Meredith? Riggs may not want to give up on their relationship just yet.

GQ Riggs - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Nathan strikes a pose while he hopes and waits for Meredith to open the door.

Snuggling It Out - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Amelia and Maggie snuggle it out on the couch while commiserating over their shared losses and life.

Hugs - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Meredith isn't the most affectionate, but she's certainly learning how to be.

Not A Good Time - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Will the timing ever be right for Meredith and Nathan? This certainly doesn't look like a good time.

Work Friends - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Jackson knows that Maggie needs a case to distract her. The question is: Is Maggie ready to get back to work?

Familiar Pain - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

If anyone is familiar with the pain of loss, Amelia is. Maggie is not just her best friend, but her sister, and for her, she can offer support.

Who's There? - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Nathan stops by the Grey-Shepherd house. Is he there to check up on Maggie or get back together with Meredith?

A Comforting Word - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

Maggie and Meredith exchange comforting words while Amelia looks on.

Bearing Gifts - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 19

After taking some time off, Maggie's ready to get back to work. Or is she? Jackson has come bearing a case.

Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Quotes

April: Her name is Harriet.
Catherine: Harriet?
April: Um-hmm
Catherine: Oh, I like it. Tubman.
April: Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book.

Richard: You drank too much. You screwed up, and now everything is crashing down around you.
Jo: Just go.
Richard: Well you came to the right guy because I have done it more than you ever will, and I can tell you from experience, with a little coffee and sunlight, the troubles will get smaller and the world will keep standing. I promise.