Happy Callie - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 3

Are things getting serious with Callie and her new love interest, or will she an Arizona have a chance at getting back together? Either way, Callie seems pretty happy at the moment, and she's certainly enjoying girls' night!

Girls' Night! - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 3

It's girls' night in on Grey's Anatomy, and Maggie is re-evaluating her life choices after receiving a wedding invitation to her ex-boyfriend's wedding. Yikes. So what advice will everyone give her on "I Choose You"?

Sisters at Work - Grey's Anatomy

Meredith and Maggie have cause to be concerned in this scene. It is from the episode "Old Time Rock ’N Roll."

More Wine! - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 3

It's always a good time to open a bottle of wine on Grey's Anatomy. Or many bottles of wine.

We Love These Two - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

But that's okay. Bailey and Ben are great together, and it looks like we'll get to see home happy moments from them this season.

Ben is a Distraction - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Ben gave Bailey the best advice for preparing her presentation to become Chief, though now he seems to be distracting her from her work!

Working from Home - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Working from home does have its advantages, doesn't it? Bailey works in bed next to her supportive husband.

All Smiles - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Meredith and Bailey seem to be having a good day at the hospital, as both deal with new responsibilities.

Do Not Give Me That Look - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Bailey is asserting herself in her new position, and it's bound to remind us a bit of told times. Remember when Meredith was her intern?

Juggling Responsibilites - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Meredith struggles as she tries to juggle all of her responsibilities, including the new anatomy class that she's teaching. (Does she call it "Grey's" Anatomy?!)

Tell Him, Bailey! - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Bailey tackles her first day as chief of surgery, and she's determined to do the best job she possibly can. The Bailey we know and love is back!

Just Chatting - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

Jackson, Callie, Amelia, and Maggie are part of the celebration, and Jackson seems like he's in a particularly good mood. Still, April knows their marriage is in jeopardy, but is avoiding the issue.

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Quotes

Stephanie: You're one of the Seattle Grace five.
Arizona: I survived a plane crash. A big deal.
Stephanie: And a car crash. And a shooting. You might be immortal.

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.
