
This new resident is in for a rude awakening if she thinks she can step on toes like Cristina Yang's or Izzie Stevens'. It's gonna be a war on "Invasion."

Fear the Fuzz

Do not mess with Izzie Stevens. Cancer, schmancer. Peach Fuzz will mess you up!


Those two new chicks are coming over from Mercy West and totally angling for Izzie's job ... or whatever jobs they can secure. "Invasion" is a good title for this episode.


Izzie and Alex got married in May of 2009 near the end of Season 5 of Grey's Anatomy. But life has not gotten any easier since.

Let Me At 'Em!

In this scene from "Invasion," it appears Izzie wants a piece of some of the new residents. Oh, it's going to get ugly this week, alright.

It's Just a Phase!

So Mr. Torres would like to believe, anyway. But Calzona is the real deal and he's got another thing coming if he thinks he can just convince her to date guys again.

Two Torres'

Callie and her father (guest star Hector Elizondo) don't see eye to eye on some things. Chief among those things? Her attraction to women.

Callie and Father

Callie's dad is a little insane. He thinks he can "turn" her. Get ready for a life lesson, guy.

Richard and Isobel

It looks like a tense moment between Izzie and Richard in this scene from "Invasion." Could it be that our fave is getting fired, or at least is placed on temporary leave or suspension?

On the Chopping Block?

Izzie and Richard in a scene from "Invasion." Could it be that our girl is getting the axe, or at least is placed on temporary leave?

A Little Lost

Cristina Yang has been struggling to find her place so far this season on Grey's Anatomy. We'll see if this week is at all different.

Izzie and the New Gang

Izzie Stevens and some of the new docs at Seattle Grace. Are you excited for the new blood?

Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

When you get sick, it starts off with a single infection. One lone nasty intruder. Pretty soon the intruder duplicates. Becomes two. Then those two become four. And those four become eight. Then, before your body knows it, it's under attack. It's an invasion. The question for a doctor is, once the invaders have landed, once they've taken over your body, how the hell do you get rid of them?

Meredith (narrating)

You think you can pray away the gay. You can't pray away the gay!
