Almost Done - Gotham Season 3 Episode 18

If Professor Strange is here with Kathryn, where is Fish Mooney? Did the Court intercept the two and have Fish locked up somewhere for more experimentation?

Is Barnes BANES? - Gotham Season 3 Episode 18

Are they turning Barnes into Banes? If that's the case, Bruce better hurry up and become Batman otherwise Gotham doesn't stand a chance.

A Towering Kathryn - Gotham Season 3 Episode 18

Kathryn is looking over her new specimen. What plans do they have for Barnes? Is he the weapon they will unleash on Gotham?

Evil Strange - Gotham Season 3 Episode 18

Professor Strange looks like he's back in business. Did the Court of Owls intercept him and Fish Mooney? What has he done to Captain Barnes?

Not Thrilled Tall - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

This is a photo of the girl who is to be Poison Ivy in a tall version.

Barnes is Back - Gotham Season 3 Episoide 18

It looks like Barnes has returned but he's not back at the GCPD. Is he still at Arkham?

Fierce - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Tabitha is looking mighty fierce here. We're loving her badass outfit, but she's always dressed to kill.

Together Again? - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Butch and Tabitha are deep in conversation. Have they kissed and made up yet? They're like two peas in a pod know with their chopped off hands.

Seeking Help - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

It looks like Jim is trying to find answers from Tabitha and Butch. Would they know anything about the Court of Owls?

Butch is the Man - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Butch is another one not looking too happy. Has he seen The Riddler? What will his response be when The Riddler comes knocking?

Jim Goes Visiting - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Jim is doing lots of visiting it appears. Has he gone to see Barbara to seek her help in trying to figure out what to do? Wouldn't it be nice if those two got together again?

Don't Get in My Way - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Barbara doesn't look too happy. Who is making her so angry? Is she frustrated about The Riddler?

Gotham Season 3 Quotes

Bullock: Fascistic meathead culture? I mean, you couldn't try to be just a little bit more positive?
Lucius: I was very positive.

The past is the past. There's nothing I can do to change that.
