
Chuck. Blair. The Gossip Girl endgame. Hopefully. It's never an easy ride for these two, that's for sure.

Epic Confrontation

Jenny is back in NYC. Blair is not looking too pleased about it.

Blair is So Lovely

Are we wrong? No we're not. Blair is lovely. We love her.

Bluck in Action

Blair and Chuck in a photo from "Easy J." Somehow we don't think this one is going to end well for a certain character.

J is Back

And it's gonna be ugly.

Mom-Daughter Relations

Serena. Lily. It's never easy.

Often a Difficult Friendship

Blair and Serena don't always have it easy, but they are always going to be close. Gossip Girl's BFFs are always a treat to watch.

Lufus Photo

Lily and Rufus in "Easy J." Once again, they are hob-nobbing with the rich and famous.

Eric VDW Photo

Eric is the man. Here he is in a shot from "Easy J."

A Bluck Pic

Blair and Chuck in a photo from "Easy J." There's gonna be some drama in this ep.

Meet, Greet

A Rufus and Lily picture from "Easy J." A good one, too.

S and C

Serena and Colin in a photo from "Easy J." We have a good feeling about this episode.

Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Serena: No shame. For your information we just stayed up talking.
Blair: Oh. So does this chatty insomniac have a name?
Serena: Colin. The Cab Stealer.
Blair: Oh, well you showed him.

Blair: What have we here? Bed: unslept in. Hair in... missionary disarray. And yesterday's dress with today's shame all over it.