What he Future Holds - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Malika has to think about what the future holds regarding her legal troubles, but first she's enjoying the present.

Freeing - Tall - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

ALOHA MISCHEAUX guest stars on Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18 when Malika brings the Coterie to a Trap Heals event.

Telephone Booth - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Callie experiences something that moves and inspires her when she stops at a telephone booth installation.

Time Heals - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Time heals all wounds at least its what Dennis can hope for when he goes to a Trap Heals event that Malika is hosting.

Meeting Dennis's Request - Tall - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Gael has to think about the best way to meet Dennis's request about honoring his son with a special art project.

Learning How to Ally - Tall - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Davia is learning how to be a better ally and understand the issues affecting the ones she cares about around her.

Sharing the Coterie Love - Tall - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Dennis shows up at an event that Malika is deejaying at, and he learns new things and gets to make peace with himself.

Malika Celebrates - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 18

Malika has a lot on her mind and many things that will affect her life, but she's not above celebrating.

Tough Decisions - Good Trouble

The Coterie members attend Trap Heals while facing tough decisions on Good Trouble. "Trap Heals" is the 18th episode of the show's second season.

Saving Lives and Fighting for Justice - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 17

Patrisse Cullors guest stars during the hour when we follow Malika to her job to see the organization she interns at.

A Callie Crusade - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 17

Callie is worked up and passionate about a recent development that happened with a case, and she's recovering from a shocking scare.

Sweet Kisses - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 17

Malika and Isaac share a kiss, and they continue to support each other through their respective issues.

Good Trouble Season 2 Quotes

Callie: Do you work for the sector of Anwei that builds prisons? Is that why they brought you in on this?
Jamie: Not-for-profit prisons, yeah.
Callie: All prisons are for profit.

Diane: What are we doing
Stef: Washing feet
Diane: Other people's feet?
Stef: Yeah.