Nerves -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5

Davia is all nerves as she prepares to make her debut in her friend's theatrical piece on I Gotta Feeling.

Stressed Our Restauranteur - tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5

Dennis is stressed out with all the planning and work it takes to get the restaurant off the ground and it impacts his relationship with Davia.

Feeling Domestic - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5

Sumi and Alice have truly settled into their relationship together as a happy couple, but are they too reliant on each other?

Reconnecting with Friends -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5

Malika is still on her path toward balancing her work and life and trying to reconnect with friends including Alice.

Night Out -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 5

Alice prepares for a night out with Malika when there's a Queer Party getting hosted somewhere on I Gotta Feeling.

Davia and Dennis - Good Trouble

Davia and Dennis try to make time for one another on Good Trouble. "I Gotta Feeling" is the fifth episode of the show's fifth season.

Don't Die, Evan (Gif) - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Mariana pleads for Evan not to die as she tries to figure out the best medical choice for him as his proxy.

Lena Hugs Mariana -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Lena hugs Mariana and is there along with Stef to give Mariana advice and help her through a decision for Evan.

Moms Help Mariana - (Gif) - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Moms come into town to help Mariana with making a life-altering medical decision for Evan's future..

Joaquin's Update - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Moms and Mariana are there to overhear Joaquin's phone call when he gets an important one in the middle of their conversation.

Overhearing Joaquin's Call-tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Moms and Mariana are there to overhear Joaquin's phone call when he gets an important one in the middle of their conversation.

Joaquin's Update -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 4

Joaquin is in the middle of talking to Stef, Lena, and Mariana when he appears to get an important phone call.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.