Tina Close Up

Best of luck, Tina! She's asking a Glee club member to the Sadie Hawkins dance in this scene from the 2013 premiere.

Tina Makes a Pitch

Tina places a Sadie Hawkins invitation to the group in this Glee scene. It's courtesy of the first episode of 2013.

Unique Solo

Unique belts out a tune in this photo from "Sadie Hawkins." It's the first Glee episode of 2013.

Sadie Hawkins Scene

The boys of Glee gather on stage for a number, courtesy of the episode "Sadie Hawkins."

Whoopi Goldberg as Carmen

Whoopi Goldberg guest stars here on Glee. It's not her first appearance on the series.

Mrs. Rose and Sue

Mrs. Rose sits down next to Sue in this Glee scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Glee, Actually."

Brittany as Santa

Brittany plays the role of Santa in this Glee photo. We'd love to get a gift from her!

Puck and Jake

Puck and Jake share a moment in this Glee scene. It's from the show's Christmas episode.

Sue Pens a Letter

Sue gets into the holiday spirit in this still. It's courtesy of the Glee Christmas episode.

Blaine and Sugar

Grease is the word on Glee. Blaine and Sugar give us an idea of what than entails in this scene.

Jake and Ryder

Jake and Ryder are featured in this scene from Glee. It's courtesy of the episode "Dynamic Duets."

Surprised Marley

Marley receives a surprise on "Dynamic Duets." She reacts to it here.

Glee Season 4 Quotes

Marley: I have this problem. I always assume the best in people.
Jake: That's my favorite thing about you, besides your eyes.

There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled. We've endured. And now we must triumph.
