Prom Dancing

Kurt and Mercedes dance it up here at the prom. Viewers will be invited to that event on the 5/8/12 installment of Glee.

Tina, Santana and Brittany

Tina, Santana and Brittany take to the stage in this photo from "Prom-asaurus." Can you guess at what event they are performing?

Tina at the Prom

Tina looks on here with horror. She's attending the William McKinley High School prom, of course.

Quinn at Prom

Who needs to stand up to enjoy prom?!? Quinn makes quite the impression in this scene from the 5/8/12 episode of Glee.

Sam and Mercedes at the Prom

This is simply precious. Sam and Mercedes share a slow dance at the 2012 prom.

Watching Kurt

Blaine watches Kurt audition here for NYADA. It's a scene from the Glee episode "Choke."

Tina Goes Goth

This is certainly a different look for Tina. What do you make of her goth get-up?

Play It, Puck!

Puck rocks out in this scene from Glee. It's courtesy of the episode "Choke."

Dancing in the Hall

Dance it up, ladies! Mercedes leads a number in this scene from "Saturday Night Glee-ver."

Kurt and Mercedes

Kurt and Mercedes look on here. It's a scene from the fun Glee episode "Saturday Night Glee-ver."

Dance With Somebody Photo

Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) in Glee's April 24 episode, "Dance With Somebody."

Glee Does Whitney

Brittany (Heather Morris) and Santana (Naya Rivera) get the honor of performing the episode title song in Glee's April 24 episode, "Dance With Somebody."

Glee Season 3 Quotes

I made plans to shoot reindeer from my helicopter with Sarah Palin, but she canceled. Apparently Todd gets fussy when she misses his ballet recitals.


I'm gonna miss all of you. I love you guys.
