Gilmore Girl Troubadours

That's right, there's two troubadours and they sing a song on the Gilmore Girls season one finale.

Lorelai and Rory Fight

Lorelai and Rory getting in to a fight, prompting the younger Lorelai to stay at her grandparents.

Rory and Emily

Rory gives her grandmother a tour of Stars Hollow in "Emily in Wonderland."

The Third Lorelai Picture

A picture of the The Third Lorelai, Richard's mother.

Rory and Tristan

After breaking up with Dean, Rory ends up kissing Tristan at a party.

Richard Gilmore Pic

When Lorelai arrives at her parents for dinner, they have a surprise guest awaiting her.

Christopher Returns Picture

Christopher Hayden, Rory's father and Lorelai's former lover, returns to Stars Hollow.

Rory as Donna Reed

Rory dresses as Donna Reed and serves Dean a 1950's style dinner.

Concert Interrupts Picture

Rory ends up going to a The Bangles concert with Madline, Louise and Paris instead of Lane.

Double Date Picture

Lorelai reluctantly agrees to go on a double date with Jackson's cousin, Roon, and Sookie and Jackson.

Lorelai and Max Kiss

Lorelai ends up kissing Max in front of Paris when she came to break up with him.

Luke and Lorelai

Luke and Lorelai grow closer after Lorelai's father suffers from a heart attack.

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Quotes

Lorelai: You lied to me so I wouldn't have to lie to Mrs. Kim?
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: Oh my God, you really are my daughter.

(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
