Confiding In Each Other - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Donna and Fatima have a heart-to-heart in the greenhouse after the events at the clinic on FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

Fatima At The Greenhouse - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Fatima spends some time at the greenhouse with Donna as she does some thinking on FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

Victor Considers - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Victor considers what to do about his fragile friendship with Ethan during FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

Reconnecting With Victor - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Ethan and Victor reconnect when Ethan visits the Colony House on the latest FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

Sharing With Tabitha - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Jade and Tabitha spend time together at the bar, and Jade shows her the photograph of Christopher on FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

The Morning After - FROM Season 2 Episode 7

Boyd takes a breath of fresh air as he and the others venture outside after their night at the clinic on FROM Season 2 Episode 7.

Ellis & Fatima Work Together - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Ellis and Fatima work together, along with Donna, to keep Colony House running smoothly on FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Doing What Needs To Be Done - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Boyd does what he needs to do to protect those he loves on the latest FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Pleading With Kristi - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Boyd finds himself pleading with Kristi as things take a wild turn at the clinic on FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

A Dance Between Two - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Boyd finds himself dancing with a ballerina in the emptied-out church during FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Caught Off Guard - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Boyd is caught off guard by what he comes across in the hallowed out church on FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Donna & Ethan Talk - FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

Donna and Ethan have a heart-to-heart in the basement as the struggles in town continue on FROM Season 2 Episode 6.

FROM Quotes

Kenny: You think they're ready?
Boyd: Go head get the strip.

Boyd: Motherfucker. What I tell you, Frank?
Frank: It got late. And I didn't-
Boyd: You got kids. You nail the windows shut. You nail the motherfucking windows shut, Frank! Right?