State Photo

A picture from the episode "State."

One For the Glory

The Panthers take the field at Texas Stadium with the title on the line. Will they be able to bring it home to Dillon?

Texas Stadium

Tim, Matt and Smash, along with their Panther teammates, step onto the field at Texas Stadium in Irving, Tex., where they will play for the state title. It is a beautiful sight.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

Can't lose. Unless it's the Emmys for Kyle Chandler, who got snubbed egregiously by those picking the nominees. Not to worry, though, Coach. You're #1 in our minds.

Under Center

Set... Hut! Saracen leads the way in the second half of the State Championship.

Awkward Pep Talk

Everyone knows Coach Taylor is leaving. But he still needs to inspire the troops.

Friendly Bonding

Matt mocks Landry and his chances with Tyra. We'd have to side with Saracen on this one.

One Play

With one play left in the state championship game, Eric Taylor and Jason Street give Matt Saracen the encouragement he needs to execute it and deliver Dillon the title. He does!

Goin' to State!

The Dillon Panthers are about to play the state championship game at Texas Stadium in Irving, near Dallas. The town sends them off with a raucous rally!

Friday Night Lights Season 1 Episode 22 Quotes

"A few will never give up on you. When you go back out on the field, those are the people I want in your minds. Those are the people I want in your hearts."

Eric Taylor

"When Jason Street went down the first game of the season, everybody wrote us off. Everybody. And yet here we are at the championship game. Forty thousand people out there have also written us off. But there are a few out there who still believe in you."

Eric Taylor