Save Jo - Emergence Season 1 Episode 13

Piper convinces Alex to free Benny so they can get to Jo and Brooks in time to save them from Helen.

Where's Mom? - Emergence Season 1 Episode 13

As Piper and Alex attempt to help Jo and Brooks defeat the master AI Helen, Mia is at home worrying about her family.

I'm Telling the Truth - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Benny is adamant that he's changed and tells Jo everything he knows, but it's not enough for her to trust him.

Who To Trust - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Jo listens to what Benny has to say but doesn't believe him because he's already broken her trust.

Upload - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Piper is feeling fuzzy and confused after the upload started and she begins losing memories.

We Have To Save Her - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Piper tells Alex that Jo is in grave danger and doesn't stand a chance at defeating Helen by herself.

Following Orders - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Jo relies on Chris when Brooks goes missing and she doesn't know if she can trust what Benny is telling them.

In Charge - Emergence Season 1 Episode 12

Chris tries to understand what Jo's motivations are when she leaves behind the exabyte disc she was supposed to exchange for a weapon to kill Helen.

Jo Is In Danger - Emergence

Jo and Brooks are in danger on the season finale of Emergence. "Killshot Pt. 2" is the 13th episode of the show's first season.

Don't Piss Off Piper - Emergence Season 1 Episode 11

When Helen threatens Piper, the girl freaks out and traps her inside a room with metal objects using only her mind.

What's In the Trunk? - Emergence Season 1 Episode 11

Brooks and Jo drive around with a dead body in their trunk but claim it's okay because the man was AI.

Haven't Moved On - Emergence Season 1 Episode 11

Alex gets a job offer that he doesn't want to refuse, but the job is far fro home as it's in DC. Will he take it?

Emergence Season 1 Quotes

Benny Gallagher: I know what the report is going to say. They're going to say it was an unmanned drone. Monitoring pollution. Mapping forests. Some rubbish like that.
Jo: How do you know that?
Benny: I have sources. Sources that you don't have. You and I can share information.
Jo: I doubt very much that you'd have any information that I'd want.

Ed: Piper? Piper! Did you forget your new name already?
Piper: Oh, I didn't hear you, sorry.