Looking for Clues. - Elementary Season 7 Episode 12

Joan quizzes Sherlock on his feelings about the loss of his father as they look through the remains on the car in which Morland died.

On Watch Patrol - Elementary Season 7 Episode 12

Seeking Morland's very expensive watch that was stolen by his killers, Marcus talks with a pawn-shop employee.

Reichenbach Gives Away a Lead - Elementary Season 7 Episode 12

Odin Reichenbach has started using mercenaries to carry out his hits, which gives Sherlock and Joan another way to bring him down.

Reichenbach Gives Away As Lead - Elementary

Odin Reichenbach inadvertently gives Holmes and Watson a lead on Elementary. "Reichenbach Falls" is the 12th episode of the show's seventh season.

Busy Director - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

James Frain (Odin) discusses a scene with Lucy Liu, who directed this episode in which Morland helps Sherlock battle Odin.

Laboratory Visit - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

Joan and Sherlock visit the lab of Talia Vaccaro, trying to determine why she was targeted by Odin's assassin.

Guest Star - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

With Sherlock protecting Marcus by keeping him out of the Odin investigation, Marcus was reduced to providing unsolved-murder files to Sherlock.

Escaping Again - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

With Morland backing him into a corner economically, Odin still found a way to escape in this brave new world.

Finally in the Loop - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

Sherlock finally brings Captain Gregson into his investigation of Odin's vigilante operation, largely because he was one of the few cops he could trust.

Heartbreaking News - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

Sherlock gets terrible news about his father Morland, who had come to town to help Sherlock find a way to take down Odin.

Needing Help -- Tall - Elementary Season 7 Episode 11

Sherlock's father Odin arrives in New York to use his contacts to help Sherlock to derail Odin's vigilante operation.

Needing Help - Elementary

Holmes and Watson have to ask Morland for help on Elementary. "Unfriended" is the 11th episode of the show's seventh season.

Elementary Quotes

Sherlock: You can trust me.
Gregson: Prove it.

But I'm just a woman with a story...
