Creeley Looks Into His Brother - Damnation

Creeley tries to find out more information about his brother's life on Damnation. "Which Side Are You On?" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Firing up the Strikers - Damnation Season 1 Episode 1

The strikers have quite the instigator in Preacher Seth.

Bessie the Whore - Damnation Season 1 Episode 1

How is Bessie the whore going to fit into the overall picture?

Cheers to You - Damnation Season 1 Episode 1

The Strikebreaker attempts to make friends with the locals.

Passing out Pamphlets - Damnation Season 1 Episode 1

Amelia passes out pamphlets at the church to help her husband.

Preacher Seth at the Cemetery - Damnation Season 1 Episode 1

Preacher Seth takes a look over a little cemetery.

The Strikebreaker - Damnation

The strikebreaker is sent to make things a bigger mess.

Damnation Season 1 Quotes

Girl: What are you striking against?
Seth: The American economic system.
Girl [Laughs]: How are you gonna do that?
Seth: By breaking the system's back, one asshole banker at a time.

Girl: How'd you get me off the hook?
Seth: I spoke in parables.
Girl: What?
Seth: I lied.