Moving On - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Connie finally has the information she needs the most.

Read the News - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Amelia and Seth chat over the newspaper and the strike situation.

A Changed Man - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Creeley isn't the man Seth thought he knew years ago.

A True Hero - Damnation Season 1 Episode 4

Amelia tries to get her favorite reporter a little excited.

Negotiations Begin - Damnation

Negotiations begin between the farmers and the bank on Damnation. "The Emperor of Ice Cream" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

Damnation Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Amelia: I'm not her, you know. I'm nobody's picture of girlish innocence or goodness.
Seth: Thank God.

Creeley: You are gonna have to show me exactly how you plan on getting this milk into town.
Calvin: Why?
Creeley: Cuz, if I don't know your plan, I don't know how it's gonna fail.