Nathaniel and Josh Team Up - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 10

Nathaniel and Josh working together to win game night.

Paula's Game Night - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 10

Everyone gathers for Paula's game night and watches all the various drama unfold.

Paula's Celebration - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Everyone celebrates Paula and her big accomplishment during game night.

Looking For Something - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Rebecca looks for something to take her mind off of her ex-boyfriends on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. "I Need Some Balance" is the ninth episode of the show's fourth season.

Heather, Valencia, and Rebecca - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 8

Heather, Valencia, and Rebecca all discovering Greg again together.

Rebecca and Josh Together - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 8

Rebecca and Josh reconnect the best way possible, through song.

Rebecca and Greg - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 8

Rebecca and Greg meet again, only this time as the new and improved people that they have become.

Valencia and Heather - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 8

Valencia and Heather looking for a potential ex from Valencia's past.

Greg is Back - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 8

Greg is back and he looks just a little different now.

Greg Returns - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Greg returns to West Covina, making Rebecca question what she thought she knew on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. "I'm Not the Person I Used To Be" is the eighth episode of the show's fourth season.

Rebecca Helping Out - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 7

Rebecca still helping out in prison even though she is no longer practicing law.

Nathaniel in Prison - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 7

Nathaniel helping Paula offer legal help in prison.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Quotes

Look, Josh, I really respect your search for self but these are actual disorders people suffer from and you're treating it like you're just identity shopping.


Paula: If you don't wake up now and confess to everything, I am going to call Princeton and tell them to take back your degree.
Trent: Actually, I went to school in Boston.