Liam and Mal - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

Liam finally goes to visit his army buddy Mal after Mal's suicide attempt.

McAvoy Jogging - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

Detective Donovan McAvoy goes for a jog on his day off.

Jenny Calls McAvoy - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

Jenny calls McAvoy on his day off, and asks him to check into Kelly's story about Holly.

Jenny Remembers - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

Jenny realizes that she started sleepwalking when she met Kelly.

Jenny Watches Kelly With Gordon - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

After becoming suspicious of Kelly, Jenny watches Kelly interact with her father, Gordon.

Liam Visitng Mal - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

Liam finally visits his army buddy Mal after Mal's suicide attempt.

McAvoy and Malik Watch Kelly - Coroner Season 2 Episode 7

McAvoy and Malik trail Kelly so they can arrest her.

Mcavoy Meets Bonnie Haslem - Coroner Season 2 Episode 6

Bonnie Haslem meets Detective Donovan McAvoy when he comes to ask about her husband.

Bonnie Haslem Meets McAvoy - Coroner Season 2 Episode 6

Bonnie Haslem meets Detective Donovan McAvoy when he comes to ask about her husband.

McAvoy Outside Haslem House - Coroner Season 2 Episode 6

McAvoy sits in his car before approaching Bonnie Haslem.

Noor Outside Haslem House - Coroner Season 2 Episode 6

Noor watches as McAvoy confronts Bonnie Haslem and follows her inside.

Noor Listens To Bonnie Haslem - Coroner Season 2 Episode 6

McAvoy and Noor listen to Bonnie Haslem as she explains why Shane's alibi is bogus.

Coroner Season 2 Quotes

Alison: Jenny? What're you doing?
Jenny: Can you call the autopsy suite?
Alison: Do you want me to call the fire department too? Yeah, I don't think our benefits cover "fall from tree!"

Ross: This is ... I wish I was coming with you. This is dumb.
Matteo: Literally, um, every place name at Queens ends in "Hall." Like, this hall, that hall. How the hell am I gonna know where I'm going? You're the navigator in our relationship.
Ross: I messed up. 'Kay, I messed up big time. And that's why I'm not coming with you, but I will find my way back to you.
Matteo: Promise?
Ross: Yes, I promise.