Responding to a Call - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 9

Upton helps out her team as they respond to a shooting of a local business owner in a Chicago neighborhood.

Old Stomping Grounds - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 9

Intelligence responds to a shooting that Atwater knows all too well. The case hits home as he used to patrol the area.

Stay Low Key - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 9

When a local business owner is gunned down in his shop, it becomes personal for Atwater, who patrolled the neighborhood as a young cop.

Another Day at Work - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 9

Jay Halstead responds to a call in Chicago that takes the unit back to the neighborhood Atwater patrolled as a young cop.

A Case Gets Personal - Chicago PD

A case gets personal for Atwater on Chicago PD. "Impossible Dream" is the ninth episode of the show's eighth season.

Atwater's Coming - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

After being tasked with protecting a murderous cop, Atwater and Ruzek put their own lives in danger.

Protect and Serve - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

Voight asks two of his men to make an arrest in a high-profile shooting after Miller explains that she needs her best men on the case.

Protect My Team - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

Voight doesn't feel comfortable sending two of his detectives to handle an arrest involving a high-profile shooting.

Don't Get Involved - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

When Ruzek and Atwater are tasked with arresting a cop who shot a Black man, they do their best not to get involved.

Early Detection - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

After a deadly shooting involving a cop and a Black man, the situation becomes complicated when it's clear someone doesn't want them to make it back to the station.

Miller on the Case - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

Chicago prepares for violence and outrage after a shooting involving a white cop and an innocent Black men. Can Miller change the optics?

Why Did He Do This? - Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 8

After a controversial shooting, Chicago residents ask themselves why white cops continue to shoot Black menl.

Chicago PD Season 8 Quotes

Voight: Atwater did what he thought was right.
Kenny: No. He crossed the line. Blue wall is there to keep us together. It keeps us safe. It's a bible, our Ten Commandments. You of all people know that, Hank. If someone chooses to violate that code, he's gotta pay the price. Way it's always been. Way it always will be.

Woman: So, I've been reviewing evidence in the Doyle homicide case and I just wanted to touch base with you one more time.
Atwater: I'm not sure what you're asking.
Woman: I'm asking if there's anything you would like to add or modify.
Atwater: No. I stand by my original statement.