First Responders - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Rojas gets involved in a case involving the murder of a homeless man to help a friend from her past.

Not the Usual Case - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Rojas informs Voight that she pursued a personal case that ended in a homeless man that was stabbed to death.

Getting the Call - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Rojas and Atwater work together when someone close to her reaches out for help finding a friend who went missing.

Out in the Field - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Upon and Jay Halstead team up to solve the murder of a homeless man in Chicago on Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14.

By Any Means Necessary - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Rojas does whatever it takes to get the suspect to confess in the murder of a homeless man in Chicago.

Get the Truth - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Rojas leads the interrogation into a murder case involving a homeless addict in Chicago on Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14.

Interrogation Tactics - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Upton joins Rojas in the interrogation room as they try to solve the murder of a homeless man in Chicago.

For My Team - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14

Voight backs his team members as they solve the murder of a homeless man on Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 14.

Rojas' Story - Chicago PD

Rojas gets involved with the murder of a homeless man and things from her past start bubbling up.

Where Is Baby? - Chicago PD

Burgess interrogates a victim of a sex trafficking ring who is holding a young woman hostage.

Back in Action - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 12

After being placed on desk duty, Halstead is eager to get back into the action and help his unit. And he's out of his sling!

Waiting for Someone - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 12

As Voight makes a deal with his CI, Darius Walker, Intelligence is forced to go undercover to bring down a rogue group of cops.

Chicago PD Season 7 Quotes

Halstead: What do you think?
Upton: I think we keep digging like we said. If he did it, he wouldn't have us out there risking our lives. Voight's a lot of things but selfish isn't one fo them.

Atwater: You're welcome, by the way.
Officer: Excuse me?
Atwater: You and your boy came pretty damn close to shooting a black man that didn't have anything to do with that murder. Way I see it, I saved your career.