Playing with Blocks - Chicago PD

We're betting Voight is playing blocks for a reason on the season premiere of Chicago P.D. "The Silos" is the first episode of the show's fourth season.

Night Raid - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

Halstead and Dawson have gotten out the heavy artillery for this one. They're dressed in black and under the cover of darkness. Are they about to raid the hideout of Gregory Yates? Will they bring him in dead or alive?

Atwater and Halstead are on the Case - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

It looks like Atwater and Halstead are in the middle of something big. Could they be part of the barricade outside of Yates' hideout? Are they about to take him down or even save a potential victim? We will have to watch to find out!

Voight's in Charge - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

While Benson is there to help out, Chicago is Voight's city, and he will be running the investigation from here. Check out that murder board! It looks like they will have their hands full investigating this one with multiple victims.

Lindsay Investigates - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

Everyone has an ax to grind with Yates, but arguably no one is more invested in this case than Lindsay. She was the one who was hit hardest by Nadia's murder. How will she handle the news that he has escaped prison? It is safe to say she will not rest until he is back behind bars or dead.

SVU Joins the Investigation - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

Sgt. Benson and Fin have traveled from New York to Chicago on the second part of the crossover between Law and Order: SVU and Chicago PD. Yates has been causing all kinds of problems for both police departments. Let's hope this time they put him away for good.

Chicago PD Season 4 Quotes

You don't have to blow smoke. All hands on deck means all hands. I'll coordinate with News Affairs. We've got to get this bastard before he hurts someone else.


Voight: He's baiting you.
Lindsay: No he's not. He's using me to get under your skin and it's working.
Voight: You make one mistake with Yates, you're dead. You get that?
Lindsay: If he wanted me, he would have had me in upstate New York.
Voight: Well he's not getting a second chance.
Lindsay: Hank, if I'm bait, let me be bait.