Will and Grace's Relationship - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

Will Jack's desire to convert the hospital to for-profit status interfere with Will and Grace's new relationship on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19?

Grace's Job - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

Could Grace's job be on the chopping block at the hospital board meeting on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19?

Speaking Before The Board - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

Marcel speaks at the board meeting to try to stop a bad idea on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19.

The Hospital's Fate - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

The hospital's fate rests on an incapacitated board member's vote on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19, but can Marcel talk Jack out of a bad idea?

Butting Heads With His Superior - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

Tanaka-Reid again butts heads with Marcel over patient care on Chicago Med Season 6 Episode 19.

Tanaka-Reid Helps - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

Tanaka-Reid assists Marcel with a patient in the ED, but is anyone happy he's on board on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19?

A Rare Stem Cell Disease - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19

A mother and pregnant daughter come into the hospital together and the mother has a rare stem cell disease on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19.

The ED Gets a Facelift - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18

Grace's pilot program gives the ED a facelift, but how will it impact patients on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18?

Grace's Pilot Program - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18

How will Grace's pilot program affect how Will takes care of patients on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18?

Patient Choices - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18 again revolves around patient choices vs doctor's beliefs about what they should do.

Heart Condition - Chicago Me - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18

Asher sees a pregnant patient who has a heart condition on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18.

Choosing Paralysis - Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18

Archer feels a patient is choosing paralysis on Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 18.

Chicago Med Season 8 Quotes

I love this car. This is why I gave you the time of day in high school.


Will: Where's Maria?
Marcel: Team just took her to pre-op.
Will: I've been thinking about it. We should hold off on surgery. I want to pitch her the stent one more time.
Marcel: Come on, Will, we both know that's not a long-term solution.
Will: But given her age and livelihood, we shouldn't be so eager to flay her arm. Risk rehab, extensive nerve injury. No, no. Her hands are her life and we shouldn't take that from her.
Marcel: All the more reason to do the vascular repair. Deal with the pseudo-aneurysm with a stitch and keep her off anti-platelets. Besides, she's already consented.
Will: That's because she saw you on TV! She's starstruck being treated by the hotshot doctor from the news.
Marcel: You called me, remember?
Will: You don't think all that influenced her decision?
Marcel: I don't know, but I think maybe your connection with the patient is influencing yours.