Sean Wants to Make a Sacrifice - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Sean wants to make a sacrifice for his father, but will his mother let him on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2?

Standing Up for Archer - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Hannah tries to stand up for ARcher after his eex-wife interferes with the transplant on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Sharon Deals With the Transplant Dilemma - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Sharon will have to deal with the problem when Archer's ex-wife tries to block the kidney transplant on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Hoping To Get a Transplant - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Archer is hoping to get his kidney transplant now that he's accepted Sean's help on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Archer's Ex - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Archer's ex-wife arrives at Gaffney to try to stop the kidney transplant on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Dealing With Divorce - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Maggie is still dealing with her divorce from Ben among all the drama between Ripley and Charles on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Marcel Clashes With a Resident - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Marcel clashes with an eager first-year resident on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Still Angry About the Past - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Is Ripley still angry about his past experiences in a juvenile facility on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2?

Trying to Make Amends - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Dr. Charles tries to make amends with Ripley over the past on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2.

Will Archer Get His Transplant? - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2

Will Archer finally get his kidney transplant despite the latest monkey wrench on Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2?

Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2 Quotes

Charles: You hit the gym already.
Ripley: No, I ran to work.
Charles: In this weather?
Ripley: Four miles each way, rain or shine.
Charles: And snow and sleet, apparently.

Sharon: Dr. Melvoin spoke very highly of the time you worked together at the Mayo Clinic.
Zola: That's very generous of him.
Sharon: Except Mayo itself was less enthusiastic. Evidently your residency was terminated for what they deemed 'vigilante medicine?'