Working Together Again - Castle Season 8 Episode 7

We really do want to see our beloved team from the 12th working together once again.

Not Nearly as Excited - Castle Season 8 Episode 7

Esposito doesn't appear nearly as excited as Castle but we're really hoping that the boys are all playing nice this week and no longer lying or stealing things from one another.

What's Castle Found? Season 8 Episode 7

We don't know what Castle's found in that magazine but he certainly seems excited about it.

Just a Spa Day - Castle Season 8 Episode 7

And if it's really just a spa day, then why isn't Kate spending it with her best friend, Lanie?

An Undercover Op - Castle Season 8 Episode 7

If this is an undercover operation, wasn't there another female police officer that Beckett could have gone undercover with?

Hayley and Beckett - Castle Season 8 Episode 7

We don't know if Beckett will be surprised but we certainly are. What is Kate doing sharing a spa day with Hayley?

Planning a Surprise - Castle

Rick is planning a surprise for Beckett on their first wedding anniversary on Castle. "The Last Seduction" is the seventh episode of the show's eighth season.

The Real Cool Boys - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Besides, everyone knows that Javier Esposito and Kevin Ryan are the real "Cool Boys" in the house. Check out Castle Season 8 Episode 6 on Monday, November 9th on ABC.

Slapping the Cuffs on Slaughter - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

We think Ryan and Espo are more than happy to slap the cuffs on Slaughter if there's a reason.

Not Big Fans of Slaughter - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Ryan and Esposito weren't exactly big fans of Detective Slaughter the last time Castle ended up working with him.

Guns Drawn - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Well, if Ryan and Esposito barreling in with guns drawn is any indication, we'd say things are about to get pretty tense.

Things Get Tense - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

So just how tense will things get between the rough, gruff, detective and the husband of the 12th precinct's new Captain?

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
