Vikram Is Back - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Vikram is back. We only hope he can be of help to both Castle and Beckett.

A Phone Call - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Our favorite couple gets a phone call while under a peaceful looking tree. We guess the rest of this story won't be so peaceful.

Good to See Them Smile - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

We know this is a behind the scenes photo but it certainly is good to see our two favorite actors smiling.

None Of This Looks Good - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Beckett and Castle are out manned and out gunned. None of this looks good.

Castle Gets a Gun Season 8 Episode 22

Looks like a part of their plan includes Castle getting a gun. We're afraid he's going to need it.

Beckett Looks Scared - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

We hate to say it but with LokSat bearing down on them, Kate Beckett looks scared.

Coming Up With a Plan - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Under pressure is when Castle and Beckett generally come up with their best plans.

Getting Shot At - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

It appears that Castle and Beckett are getting shot at. We pray they both survive.

Rick Looks Unsure - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Rick Castle looks unsure of their plan against LokSat or what they'll do next.

Where Are Castle and Beckett? Season 8 Episode 22

We know they are on LokSat's trail but where the heck are Castle and Beckett right now and who is Beckett calling?

Watching LokSat - Castle Season 8 Episode 22

Rick and Kate are hot on the case as they attempt to get their eyes on LokSat on the Castle season 8 finale.

The Last of Caskett? - Castle

Will this be the last fans see of Caskett? "Crossfire" is the 22nd episode of the eighth season of Castle.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
