Taylor Gets Caught Spying - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3

Taylor is caught spying on a dangerous man on Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3.

Taylor Spies On a Dangerous Man - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3

Taylor takes a video with her phone to prove a bad man is doing bad things on Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3.

Kodie Gets Drug Tested - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3

Kodie takes a test to prove she is clean on Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3.

Joanna, Billy, and Mr. Crawford OG - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3

Joanna and Billy question Billy's father about the case on Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3.

Joanna, Billy, and Mr. Crawford - Burden of Truth

Joanna and Billy question Billy's father about the case on Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3.

Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Mr. Crawford: Those kids ran roughshod all over my property and how old's their oldest?
Joanna: Twelve.
Mr. Crawford: Only a Chartrand would leave a twelve-year-old to babysit alone all day.
Billy: You ever hear of Wendy? Billy? Shane?

Luna: I'm Luna.
Kodie: So what, you're like, my babysitter for the day?
Luna: Think of me more like your chauffeur.
Kodie: Are you the one who went to jail? (Luna nods) Must be tougher than you look. Have to be to work for Joanna.
Luna: What does that mean?
Kodie: Don't get me wrong, I love her, but even back in grade school that girl was wicked competitive.
Luna: And that's what makes her a great lawyer.