The Gun is Mightier Than the Whip - Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4

Julius, leader of a slave rebellion, puts a bullet into his former overseer.

Max and Eleanor Confer - Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4

Max knows the stakes are high and she wants Eleanor to recognize that in her dealings with the pirates.

Max and Eleanor - Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4

Eleanor offers Flint and Silver a deal — and Max wants to know how it might shake out.

Slave No More - Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4

Julius liberates himself from his chains and leads a slave revolt.

Hand Has Backbeard Issues - Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4

Turns out, Israel Hand is no Long John Silver fan.

Violence Runs Amok - Black Sails

Violence runs amok all over Nassua on Black Sails. "XXXII" is the fourth episode of the show's fourth season.

Black Sails Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

The closer we get to the end of this journey, the more contradictions we’ll accumulate — confusing issues we once thought were clear. I suppose the good news is, that’s how we’ll know we’re finally getting somewhere interesting.


Eleanor: Some time ago, you asked me to leave Nassau with you, to avoid ruin. If I’d said yes, where would we have gone?
Max: I have no idea.
Eleanor: I was so close to saying yes. There were good reasons to say yes and I heard it in my mind, trying to speak it over and over again. When the moment finally came, I spilt so much of myself into this place, in that moment I honestly didn’t know where I ended and it began. There may be ways of severing oneself in that way — sacrificing one part to save the other. In that moment, I honestly couldn’t find something sharp enough to make the cut.
Max: What would have been enough?
Eleanor: I truly am sorry — for all of it. If there was a way I could make things right here, I’d do it.