Creeping In - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4

Walt is creeping around the woods and in his creepy shed during the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4.

Mama Bear - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4

Sunny looks after Walt as the two continue to cover up crimes on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4.

Looking Things Over - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4

Beau looks over some files as he and Jenny prepare for their next case on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 4.

Gathering Intel - Regular - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 1

Beau sits back in his office and gathers intel on his latest case during Big Sky Season 3 Episode 1.

Increasingly Suspicious - Big Sky

Buck grows increasingly suspicious of Sunny on Big Sky: Deadly Trails. "Carrion Comfort" is the fourth episode of the show's third season.

Missing Backpacker - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Cassie mounts a mission in the woods to look for the missing backpacker on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Cassie Investigates - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Cassie gets out into the woods to continue investigating the missing backpacker on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Denise Out In The Wild - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Denise and Cassie make it out of the office and out into the wild to investigate on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Keeping Calm - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Even when things are falling apart around her, Sunny will have a smile on her face during Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Angry Donno - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Donno looks surly, as usual, as he navigates a new adventure on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3,

Welcome! - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Tanya is all smiles, while Donno is stonefaced as they welcome visitors on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Jenny's Mom - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3

Jenny's mom comes into town and the fireworks are ignited on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3.

Big Sky Season 3 Quotes

Well, it's our job to get them in the Big Sky state of mind.


Beau: Denise, you keep cooking for me like this, Imma need a whole new wardrobe. And I don't even know where to shop in this town.
Denise: That's okay, I'll take you. Make sure everything fits right, especially in the back.
Beau: Okay. Okay. You're gonna make me blush.