Jenny & Beau Get Close - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 13

Jenny and Beau share a close moment while the chaos continues to unfold on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 13.

Lives On The Line - Big Sky

Denise and Emily's lives are on the line on the season finale of Big Sky. "That Old Feeling" is the 13th episode of the show's third season.

Stoic Donno - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

A stoic and ready Donno is at the bar and always willing to get his hands dirty on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

Tex Is Ready - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Tex has his gun ready as he and others meet at the local bar on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

Alert Carla - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Carla is on alert as she worries about the safety of her family on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

Paige On The Loose - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Paige is on the loose after escaping from murderous Buck on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

Angry Paige - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Paige is angry after escaping Buck, and she has her eyes set on Sunny during Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

Cool Sunny - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Sunny is always cool and collected as chaos unfolds around her on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

At The Ready - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12

Cassie and Jenny are ready and have their guns aimed for whatever comes next on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 12.

The Truth - Big Sky

The truth about the Bleeding Heart Killer is uncovered on Big Sky. "Are You Mad?" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

Beau Arlen - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 11

Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town and he's ready to take down the bad guys on Big Sky Season 3 Episode 11.

Beau & Jenny Interrogate - Big Sky Season 3 Episode 10

Beau and Jenny team up to interrogate Walter once again on the latest Big Sky Season 3 Episode 10.

Big Sky Season 3 Quotes

Well, it's our job to get them in the Big Sky state of mind.


Beau: Denise, you keep cooking for me like this, Imma need a whole new wardrobe. And I don't even know where to shop in this town.
Denise: That's okay, I'll take you. Make sure everything fits right, especially in the back.
Beau: Okay. Okay. You're gonna make me blush.