Naomi and the Girls

Naomi walks with her girls as she prepares for battle against the Blaze's new faculty adviser.

Gia and Adrianna Pic

Gia and Adrianna end up going on their first official date in the upcoming 90210 episode.

New Love Interest

Adrianna who?!? Navid starts to move on during the episode of 90210 "What's Past is Prologue."

Gia and Ade

Adrianna and Gia continue to get close on the 3/23/10 episode of 90210. This is a scene from the installment.

Picnic Packer

On the episode "Girl Fight," Naomi packs a picnic for her and Liam. But Ivy soon butts in.

Beach Enemies

Oops, my dad! Naomi kicks sand onto Ivy's sandwich in this scene from "Girl Fight."

Bikini Clad

Standing around in her bikini, Naomi admires her man in the water. She's seen here, watching Liam surf.

Beach Bodies

Take it off, Liam. Take it all off! That's what Naomi is thinking right now.

Awful Threesome

This is not the kind of threesome Naomi has in mind. She doesn't like Ivy hanging around Liam so much.

Navid and Lila

Navid starts up a new relationship in the spring of 2010. It's worth a student named Lila.

Beach Bound

This is a shot of Naomi from the 90210 episode "Girl Fight." She sure knows how to rock a bikini, doesn't she?

Chatting Away

Dixon and Silver are seen here chatting in the first 90210 episode from 2010. It's titled "Rats & Heroes."

90210 Season 2 Quotes

Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.
