Seeking His Big Bro -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Robert Strand (Chad Lowe) comes into town to visit Owen and spend some time with him and TK on Donors.

Meeting Uncle Robert - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

T.K. is thrilled to meet his uncle for the first time and spend some time with him when Robert (Chad Lowe) is in town.

Detective and Cop -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Carlos gets to work closely with Detective Serena Washingon again when he gets entangled in an organ trafficking case.

Tommy Knows -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Tommy knows all and her face always gives her away as she assesses everything around her at a scene.

Connecting with Family -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Owen gets to connect with his half brother Robert who comes into town for a visit and to share news.

T.K. Takes the Back - tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

T.K., Tommy, and Nancy respond to a scene that requires their services, but he takes over with sitting in the back.

Robert's Visit -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Robert (Chad Lowe) visits Owen and meets TK for the first time when he comes into town on "Donors."

Protective Judd - tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Judd is super protective when Grace gets pulled into an investigation dealing with black market organ donors.

Black Market Organs -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Carlos and Grace go down a dark road when they look into black market organ donor rings on "Donors."

Chatting with the Detective - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Carlos is speaking and working alongside Detective Washington again when they land a mysterious donor case.

Brothers Toast - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 15

Chad Lowe guest stars as Owen's half brother Robert who comes into town for a visit and to share some news.

Strand and Reyes Men at Dinner - 9-1-1: Lone Star

Owen's brother comes into the picture and has dinner with Owen, Carlos, and T.K. as he delivers some news.

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Quotes

TK: So you're married.
Carlos: In name only.
TK: To a woman.
Carlos: Back then, that was the only way you could do it.

Marjan: You bought a crotch rocket, Cap?
Owen: This isn't a crotch rocket; this is a classic cruising bike.