Max is down and out, and New Amsterdam is as chaotic as ever. Will Floyd and Helen rise to the occasion and keep things together for their boss and friend?

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 10: "Six or Seven"
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New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Helen: There's something else. Something you all need to know in order to treat him properly when he arrives.
Floyd: Sharpe what a going on?
Helen: Max has squamous cell carcinoma. Advanced stages. The trauma team is going to meet us here.
Iggy: Whoa, whoa, hold on a second.
Floyd: How long have you known about this?
Helen: Since his first day.
Dora: Since his first day?
Helen: I know this is shocking, but you have to put it aside so we can deal with this.

Georgia, Georgia. Max can't breathe. You need to help him breathe.
