While enforcing an unsanctioned raid on a human trafficking ring in Los Angeles, Bill finds an old informant of his who is in trouble. After returning from her leave and eager to get back into the field, Charlie is assigned to patrol with Joseph, the one person she would like to avoid. Meanwhile, as Bill continues to disagree with the board on how to best run the department, Jerry does Bill a favor in order to get on his good side.

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Deputy Season 1 Episode 4: "Firestone"
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Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Deputy Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Paula: Was she ever more than an informant?
Bill: Yes. Yeah, she was. Before you changed my life.

ICE Agent: They're undocumented. What don't you understand about that?
Cade: They're victims. And witnesses. We need to interview 'em. Sorry, but it looks like y'all are going home empty-handed.