Beth shares a secret with her father on Yellowstone. "All For Nothing" is the sixth episode of the show's third season.

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Yellowstone Season 3 Episode 6: "All For Nothing"
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Yellowstone Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Jamie: I should have said no. That's what I should have done. Because then you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do!
Beth: I didn't ask you for a fuckin' hysterectomy. You know, when you consider the pain that you cause a person the person's fault? That's evil, Jamie.

Beth: You know what is so fuckin' dangerous about you? That you actually believe that you're helping. Like in your heart, you believe that. But you refuse to look at the results of your help. You refuse to acknowledge the carnage that your help leaves behind because, as a man, you're broken. Your soul, your mind, is broken. And it's not your fault, I guess. He made you into something you had no business being. I guess that's why he did it. But there's just no right or wrong with you. Just his approval. That's all that matters with you. That's all you are. His disapproval and how much you fear it? That is what makes you truly evil, Jamie. And you are evil. You know that? You have to know that.
Jamie: All. All I have ever tried to do is protect this family, most of the time from itself. You, more than anyone, should understand that.
Beth: I'm gonna tell you a little secret. The more you became what he wanted you to become, the more he'll hate you for it. And he does hate you for it. We all do.