Looks like Addison Montgomery will have her hands full in "Serving Two Masters," from the second season of Private Practice.

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Private Practice
Private Practice Season 2 Episode 6: "Serving Two Masters"
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Private Practice Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

(Addison is driving and talking on the phone with Naomi)
Naomi: Hey, Addison.
Addison: I think I may have gone too far.
Naomi: With what?
Addison: I followed him.
Naomi: What do you mean you followed him?
Addison: At first it was just a routine surveillance.
Naomi: You are not a cop!
Addison: I followed him to work, to the precinct which is apparently where I should have stopped.
Naomi: Oh, God. Where - where are you now, crazy woman?
Addison: I'm not insane. I went to the precinct. Five minutes later he comes roaring out of the parking garage in another car, a van.
Naomi: Dit it - dit it not occur to you that he might be working?
Addison: Of course he could be working. Only maybe he's not working. People lie. They lie and they cheat and they ruin people's lives and I'm not gonna be one of those women who gets dumped.
Naomi: Addison - Addison, you have to be careful. (Addison pulls over, she can see the sirens and a police intervention)
Addison: Or maybe he's working.

Pete: I am thinking we should hit a bar tonight after work. Try again. There are so many beautiful women in L.A..
Sam: Pete, Naomi and I, we just came out of a long term relationship. I don't know if I'm ready to...
Pete: Sam! Cooper is dating!
Sam: Cooper is dating the antichrist!
Pete: Well... At least he is dating.