Scott Foley guest stars on Grey's Anatomy in "Adrift and at Peace." Here's a photo of the actor.

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Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 10: "Adrift and at Peace"
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Grey's Anatomy Photos, Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 10 Photos
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Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 10 Quotes

She [Christina] doesn't do the wildnerness. There aren't even any bathrooms in the wilderness.


The first 24 hours after surgery are critical. Every breath you take, every fluid you make, is meticulously reported and analyzed. Celebrated or mourned. But what about the next 24 hours? What happens with that first day turns to two and weeks turn into months? What happens when the immediate danger has passed, when the machines are disconnected and the teams of doctors and nurses are gone? Surgery is when you get saved, but post-op, after surgery, is when you heal. But, what if you don't?


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 10 Music

  Song Artist
It's Christmas Time Jules Larson iTunes
Song Merry Xmas Basement Apartment
Silent Night Low iTunes